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New Developments

Vol. 38 No. 1 (2022): Rebooting Chroma

The Multichannel Monophonic Simulation Tool

December 5, 2021


Composing works for novel multichannel systems has various limitations. Spatial audio predominantly relies on the use of stereophonic spatial methods that privilege the sweet spot listening position. The sweet spot requires accurate positioning of loudspeakers in order to realize an unbroken phantom image so that listeners can perceive an accurate spatial picture. Beyond the technical, there are also a number of social and hearing related issues associated with the sweet spot. Because of these issues, previous work has been done to establish a compositional framework, entitled the Multichannel Monophonic Compositional Framework, to give composers methods to create non-sweet spot oriented spatial music. The results from test cases of this framework show that the framework is successful, though the composer feedback expressed difficulty in creating non-sweet spot music for a novel loudspeaker array when not given the opportunity to both work with the loudspeaker array and the space in which the loudspeaker array would be situated. The Multichannel Monophonic Simulation Tool is designed to address the issues of composers being unable to accurately simulate novel 2D loudspeaker arrays and the acoustic space that they are within. This article will break down the tool’s context and use cases.